
提供: ウィキボヤージュ





JR東日本 (三鷹駅)



  • 1 ジブリ ミュージアム1-1-83 Simorenjaku 三鷹駅から徒歩15分で行くか、三鷹駅からバス(¥300)で行くことができます。(directions) (map)。電話番号:+81 570-05-5777、メール:  。 営業時間:10:00-18:00。 値段:¥1000 
    ジブリ美術館には、アニメーションの歴史と科学を示す常設展示のほか、アニメーション プロセスを示すモックアップ アニメーション スタジオがあり、スタジオ ジブリ映画のキャラクターが随所に登場します。
    企画展、限定ジブリ短編アニメーションを上映するシネマ、ショップ、屋上庭園、レストラン、ネコバス (12 歳以下の子供向け) もあります。スペース自体は、特にジブリをテーマにしたステンドグラスとアクセントで複雑に装飾されています。
    来場予約が必要です。 その月のすべての予約は前月の 10 日に販売され、数日以内に売り切れます。
  • 2 三鷹市美術ギャラリーCORAL 5F, 3-35-1 下連雀 三鷹駅に隣接しているCORALの5階にあります。。電話番号:+81 422-79-0033。 Features special exhibits four times a year. 営業時間:10:00-20:00。
  • 3 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan 国立天文台2-21-1 Osawa it is far from any train station: take bus #91 from Musashisakai to the Kokuritsu Tenmondai-mae bus stop。電話番号:+81 422-34-3600  。 This is the main campus of Japan's national observatory. Data collection mostly occurs elsewhere, which frees up many of the buildings here for a view. About half of the campus is open to the public. Many buildings are decades old and house equipment used by the observatory decades ago, in a well-preserved state. The entire place is surrounded by forest, and unlike much of Tokyo, it's quiet and peaceful here. Some people bring a sketch pad and draw the buildings. There are no guides. A self-paced tour might take 1-2 hours. 営業時間:10:00-17:00。 値段:free。


  • 1 井の頭公園 井の頭公園駅から少し歩いた場所にあります。。 船が浮かぶ池と動物園、水族館があります。The park is bustling with crowds who arrive to take in the lively environment on weekends and holidays, especially特に桜が咲く頃は"花見'で賑わいます。恋愛に良いとされる弁財天と言う寺があります。
  • 1 三鷹国際交流協会 MISHOP3-30-12 Shimorenjaku on the main street about 5 minutess' walk south of Mitaka Station。電話番号:+81 422-43-7812。 The Mitaka International Society for Hospitality is an association for cultural exchange between Japanese volunteers and international visitors. It hosts various cultural events and also operates fee-based Japanese lessons. Alternatively, a system for connecting students with volunteer language partners is available for those who wish to learn Japanese on the cheap. 値段:Membership fee ¥1000。


  • 1 アトレヴィ三鷹東京都三鷹市下連雀3-46-4 in Mitaka Station。 While not as big as the one at 吉祥寺, there is a bakery, food, a restaurant, a couple beauty/salon stores, and a flower shop.
  • 2 三鷹コラル東京都三鷹市下連雀3-35-1 中規模の建物で三鷹駅の南に隣接しています。。 小さな店がたくさんあり、食べ物や物を買うことができます。最上階には美術館があります。


  • 1 Domadoma 土間土間3-26-10 Shimorenjaku from the south exit of Mitaka Station, go south about 50 m, and find this place on the east side of the street。電話番号:+81 42-270-2322。 This izakaya, which serves standard izakaya fare, mainly caters to groups with reservations. 営業時間:17:00-05:00。 値段:¥1500-3000。
  • 2 Gutara ぐうたらOzawa 3-3-6 Ten minutes' walk SE from International Christian University.。電話番号:+81 422-30-0307。 This ramen shop serves a broad range of customers: white collar workers, blue collar workers, and the nearby university's students. It has a particularly delicious spinach and pork ramen. 営業時間:Daily 11:30-23:00。 値段:¥700-1100 per bowl。
  • 3 Indra インドレ a block off the main Chūō Dōri street; about 10 minutes' walk north from Mitaka Station。電話番号:+81 422-52-2060。 An Indian restaurant.
  • 4 terrasse verte テラス・ヴェルト2F Nakamachi 1-14-5 from the north exit of Mitaka Station, go 100 m NE; the restaurant is on the 2nd floor on the corner。電話番号:+81 422-38-1150。 This cafe has a selection of western-style sandwiches, pastas, salads, and desserts. There are both indoor and outdoor seating areas. 営業時間:M-Sa 07:00-23:00, Su 10:00-22:00。 値段:¥500-1500。


  • 1 The Barn下連雀3-22-3 from the south exit of Mitaka Station, go east 3 blocks; turn south and go 1½ blocks; the bar is on the west side of the street in the basement.。電話番号:+81 422-77-0143、メール:。 This bar has a large selection of imported liquor with a British theme. The main focus is on scotch, though one can also find gin, whiskey, beer, and other standard bar fare. The master (Avi) speaks both English and Japanese. No charge. Closed on Mondays。 営業時間:Tu-Su 19:00-02:00。 値段:Drinks ¥500-900。



There aren't many cheap hotels in the area, but the Chuo Line makes for quick access to other parts of Tokyo that have them. Budget fast and light travelers could stay overnight in a net cafe, though speaking Japanese is a must. For more upscale hotels, neighboring Kichijoji is a good place to look.


  • 1 wip ワイプNakacho 1-14-11 from the north exit of Mitaka Station, go 50 m east; follow signs from in front of the building to the elevator, and take it to the 7th floor。電話番号:+81 422-59-1588。 This net cafe is fairly quiet. 営業時間:24 hr。 値段:¥800 for 3 hours, ¥1300 for 5 hours, ¥1700 for 10 hours。


名古屋  西    中野区 新宿区
END  西    武蔵野市 中野区