

モジュールの解説[表示] [編集] [履歴] [キャッシュを破棄]


ウィキデータでのバージョン: 2021-11-15 問題なし



-- Separating code from internationalization

return {
	-- administration
	moduleInterface = {
		suite  = 'Coordinates',
		sub    = 'i18n',
		serial = '2021-11-15',
	-- internationalisation
	errorMsg = {
		'パラメータが空',				--  1: no parameter(s)
		'過剰なパラメータ',				--  2: too many parameters
		'不正な文字',					--  3: illegal characters
		'3つ以上の数値のDMSパラメータ',	--  4: more than 3 numeric dms parameters
		'範囲外の度数',					--  5: degree out of range
		'範囲外の分数',					--  6: minute out of range
		'度数のない整数',				--  7: degree no integer
		'範囲外の秒数',					--  8: second out of range
		'分数のない整数',			    --  9: minute no integer
		'方向が最後のパラメータにない',	-- 10: direction not last parameter
		'無効な負の値',				    -- 11: invalid negative value
		'間違った緯経度の順番',			-- 12: wrong lat/long direction
		'範囲外の緯度',				    -- 13: latitude out of range
		'パターンなし',					-- 14: no pattern given

		noError = 'エラーなし',			-- no Error
		unknown = '未知のエラー',		-- unknown error
		faulty  = '不正な座標'	-- faulty coordinate

	-- maintenance categories
	categories = {
		faulty = '[[カテゴリ:座標タグに誤りがあるページ]]',
	    	-- faulty coordinate
	    	-- same as defined in [[MediaWiki:Geodata-broken-tags-category]]
		dms    = '[[カテゴリ:DMS形式の座標]]'
	    	-- coordinate given as dms, not as decimal

	-- for input
	-- de:     O = E -> +1
	-- it, fr: O = W -> -1
	inputLetters = {
		N = {  1, 'lat' },
		S = { -1, 'lat' },
		E = {  1, 'long' },
		W = { -1, 'long' },

	-- for output
	outputLetters = { N = 'N', S = 'S', E = 'E', W = 'W' },
	decimalPoint  = '.',

	-- predefined deg-min-sec output formats
	dmsFormats = {
		f1 = { delimiter = ' ', leadZeros = false }, -- default
		f2 = { delimiter = ' ', leadZeros = true },
		f3 = { delimiter =  '', leadZeros = false },
		f4 = { delimiter =  '', leadZeros = true }